Monday, March 31, 2008

Higher Food Prices

1.) Gas is riseing so it cost more to transport them.
2.) Selling goods closer to throw-out dates. they are spending less for goods when they are closer to throw-out dates.
3.)Milk, Bread, Eggs, Hamburger, Butter, Ice Cream, Cereal, Chicken, Ketchup, and Chips.
4.) The Consumer Price Indexes (CPI)
steak(sirloin) price has starded to go down
Jan (2008)-$5.543
cow population has grown

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Credible Credit Counselors

Client 2- Under the Fair Debt Collection practices Act the agency should not be calling you at your home and place of work every hour. Your legal rights have been violated but you are protected under federal law. You have been some what irresponible but you are working to get caught up on your payments. I reccomand you talk to your bank about the car payments and about the agency harassing you about the payments.

Client 3- According to Truth in Lending and Consumer Leasing Act the ad needs to tell the monthly payments and the interest rate. Your legal rights have been violated but you are protected under federal law. You have been responisble by contacting us to see what actions you should take. If you want to cheek them out, go there and ask for the missing information, but i say look at a diffrent ad for a sofa that tells you the monthly payments and interest rate.

Client 4- By law under the Fair Credit Reporting Acts they must tell you why you have been turned down for credit. Your legal rights have been violated but you are protected under federal law. You have been responisble by contacting us to see what actions you should take. Demand why you have denied for credit.

Client 5- According to Truth in Lending and Consumer Leasing Act protects you from unauthorized used. Your legal rights have been violated but you are protected under federal law. you have been irresponisble by not calling the credit company right away. You need to call and cancel your cards right away.

Client 6- According to Truth in Lending and Consumer Leasing Act they did tell you the fees and interest rate. Your legal rights are not being violated. You are being responible by contacting us to see what your actions are. You should shop around more and learn the credit laws.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Section 6.3 your credit company. the company must acknowledge the letter in 30 days then in two billing periods.

2. Dont give out your personal information, make sure you get your card bak after every purchase, and sherd personal papers before getting rid of it.

3. it protects you from unfair billing acts

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

6.2 pg 177 1-5

1.) Amount of income and simple interest.

2.) Character, Capacity, Capital, Collateral, and Credit History.

3.) A-Open a checking or savings account, or both
B-Take out small loans from your bank
C- Make payments on time.

4.) Put down a bigger down payment on the item and make pay the payments in full on time.

5.)$95 / $820 = 11.6% with out college loan
$215 / $820 = 26.22% with college loan

Friday, March 7, 2008

FICO credit score

1. Large bank use it to see if some ones a risk.

2. When some one with good credit puts some one with bad credit as a user of there credit card so they can bring up there credit.

3. -A.) Payment history.
-B.)Types of credit used (more the better).
-C.)# of recent credit openings & inquiries.
-D.)Length of credit history.
-E.)Level of indebitness.

4. They will be more forgiving and yet more strict